Home Start was introduced in Romania as part of a SEE-funded project
from 2009 to 2014. Fundatia Adina Stiftelsen (FAS) implemented the “New
Start” scheme with guidance from Norwegian experts, leading to
significant success. The project was recognised as the best National
Volunteers Project in Romania in 2015. In 2017, FAS joined Home-Start
Worldwide and became a fully accredited member in 2018. The scheme,
originally known as Home-Start Craiova, was renamed Home-Start Dolj in
2021, and by 2024 had trained 35 volunteers who supported 45 families
and 150 children.
Simnicu de Sus, Lesile village, Craiovei street, no.60A
207561, Dolj County
Telephone: +40 351 439008